Document Formatting and Rebranding

We’ve seen it countless times before: RFPs, grant applications, company and product factsheets, and pretty much every other type of written document there is with mismatched or inappropriate fonts, poor or non-existent
use of colour, and generally no visual appeal to speak of.


Reading is a visual activity: your brain doesn’t just process individual letters, words, sentences and paragraphs, but also how they look relative to each other and to the images and margins on the page or your screen. If you’re not making your documents and emails look professional, you’re asking not to be taken seriously – but Spectacle approaches your content from both the writer’s and designer’s perspective to understand what you’re looking to communicate and how best to share it with your audience:

  • We can work within your visual branding guidelines to reformat and rebrand any type of document or email across most common publishing applications, including Adobe InDesign and the entire Microsoft Office suite.
  • We can also create templates – and common sense guidelines to help your employees use them – to help you make great-looking documents the first time, every time.

Poster Design and Redesign

Closely related to our loathing of badly formatted documents is our hatred for badly designed in-house posters – particularly the sort of ad hoc posters usually seen in toilets and on bulletin boards in breakout areas, often (but not exclusively) erected by well-meaning but ill-informed Facilities team members.


Such posters are as ugly as they are commonplace, but luckily they are easy to remedy: we can help your workplace environment look properly professional by scoping out your office, identifying problem areas and then working within your brand guidelines to create simple, foolproof templates anyone with even the most basic levels of computer literacy can use.


We can also design more complex, conceptual posters to advertise your key marketing campaigns, business success stories, charity initiatives and the like both internally and externally, and both in print and digitally. Looking for new and vibrant ways of sharing your content visually? We can create bespoke posters for you and also set up new templates you can use yourself in any application from Microsoft Publisher to PowerPoint to Adobe InDesign.